Water Damage?

If water damage occurs, it must be removed immediately. The longer a broken or leaking pipe or roof leak is left unattended, the more water damage will occur.

A leak from a pipe under a sink, behind a wall, or in a downstairs bathroom can lead to costly and widespread corrosion, mold, and rot. If the wet carpet removal is neglected or the problem is addressed, mold will undoubtedly cause problems quickly.Moisture should be thoroughly removed from the affected area first. This can be done with a dehumidifier. It should also combat odors and remove moisture from building materials such as:

  • Upholstery
  • Carpet
  • The structure of your home or office
  • Flooring
  • Wall


      Amount of preventable water damage                                                                                                                                               93%

          Amount of homeowners who have reported water damage                                                                                                        40%

            2nd most frequently filed homeowners claim due to it’s immediate and future impact on a property                      WATER

              3rd largest cause of homeowner loss due to the immediate and future damages caused                                            WATER

                A 1/8 crack in a pipe can leak                                                                                                                                                 250 GAL DAILY

            The 5 major Don’ts for when you find water damage

            • Don’t turn on a vacuum to clean up excess water
            • Don’t use ceiling fans if your ceiling has water damage
            • Don’t repair anything until a professional has come out and checked the damage
            • Don’t wait to call water damage removal specialists
            • Don’t leave wet items like carpets in place

            How do I deal with mold and mildew in my home?

            Mildew and mildew develop within 24 to 48 hours of exposure to water. Even if you can’t see mold or mildew, you can still smell “mud.” Common problems you and your family face after mold begins to grow are respiratory problems such as asthma, nasal congestion, and coughing. Irritation in the eyes such as burning, tearing, and redness can also occur. There is a possibility. Sneezing attacks, nosebleeds, skin irritation such as hives and rashes. Also, exposure to mold can cause pain. Mold also affects the nervous system, causing headaches, memory loss, and mood swings. First, make sure there is no mold or mildew. Do not leave damp areas damp by opening the windows to dry the room. Ventilate bathrooms and use ceiling fans in rooms with closed windows to increase airflow. Please do not let the rain from outside enter. Please be careful not to let rain from outside enter your house. So keep your home clean, dry and disinfected.

            Leaking pipes lead to mold that is hard to detect

            However, if you do find a leak in your pipe and you still don’t see or smell mold, consider it to be in its early stages. You need to get supplies like

            • Gloves
            • Mask
            • Goggles
            • Disinfectants

            If you find mold in your home, it’s a good idea to contact a professional. It’s dangerous to try to get rid of mold that you don’t normally see, and very dangerous if you breathe it in. According to insurance companies, mold can be found in places where normal tools cannot reach. We will refund the repair fee you paid.

            The Claim Process


            After our in-house estimating team has developed an accurate estimate of your claim, we first submit your claim to the insurance company. If you are denied or your claim is denied, we will reinstate your claim with your home insurance company.


            The insurer has 90 days to make a decision. Either you agree or you refuse. Either way, we are here for you.


            Our certified public experts are ready to negotiate settlements on your behalf. Through appraisals and mediation, we were able to attract more homeowners to settlements.


            This is the best part – when you get the best possible bill. We always try to maximize your damage.

            Get Started Today

            Our # 1 goal at Claim Crushers is to make sure that you receive a fair settlement for your covered loss and are fully indemnified by your insurance company in accordance with the policy terms and conditions.

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